Hiloramart, an ecommerce portal of Loop Techno Systems is a mobile application and a web potal. Hiloramart’s aim is to develop a website and mobile application to show case select products from across the world so the customer can get directly buy them.
Customer can choose to obtain products and services from the list of their choice. The Hiloramart app is revolutionary in the sense that it allows customers to get the best return on their money on their selected product at their chosen time.
Hiloramart will offer customized price for the services/ products it offers at any given date depending on demand and enquiries from customers.
The rating and feedback system allows both vendors and customers to choose based on their preference. Provision for providing customized order for customers is also available along with flexibility of payment through various mediums.
Not only that, Hiloramart app encourages vendors to post offers from time to time to showcase their products and services and use Hiloramart app as their advertising platform. The customers on the other hand can ask for individual or group offers. Based on demand, product offers can be customized as well.
Hiloramart App is working to make its presence known in the ecommerce space within India.
As an emerging player in the Indian e-commerce landscape, Hiloramart is dedicated to establishing a strong presence. We are committed to delivering a superior shopping experience, fostering lasting relationships with both vendors and customers, and continuously improving our platform to meet evolving needs.